First Time Using First Class Functions?

19 Jan 2022

First Time Using First Class Functions?

Javascript is quite interesting. Coming from just using C and C++ recently, Javascript has felt a lot more freeing with what I am able to do and translates much easier in my head, especially since I learned java as my first major language. I did learn a lot of things, even though it’s similar to java, there were a lot of new mechanics to learn especially with the ES6 portions. That being said, I am excited to learn and apply it and expand my coding and programming skills and literacy. I definitely think that Javascript is a good language for software engineering because of its flexibility and usability.

Athletic software engineering. is something new to me. While I have had timed programming tests and exams, I have never had a system where I would regularly have timed coding tasks. Personally it is something that I like a lot better instead of having a disgusting month long coding project. I like being simple, fast, and achieving a goal as efficiently as possible. While it is a bit stressful, I think that because it’s athletic, that the difficulty is adjusted. Practicing WODS is definitely helpful to become more comfortable with the format. So far its something that works for me, however I am scared of the prospect of a 45 minute WOD, especially when there isn’t a whole lot of time to plan ahead

As I delve into the world of JavaScript, I am excited to learn more and be adaptable to another language and it’s rules.